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C Programming Language Course in Faridabad

Are you looking for C Programming language Course in Faridabad? then you are the right place. We are the Om institute of education is the Best C Programming Language Course Institute in Faridabad.

C programming language is a powerful general-purpose, imperative computer programming language based on the syntax of the C language. Developed by Dennis Ritchie between 1969 and 1973 at Bell Labs, it was created with a focus on portability and efficiency.

C programming is an imperative computer programming language that is even simpler than C++. C is not a streamlined version of assembly, but it does share much in common with it. And while experienced programmers may be able to write efficient code using nothing more than the basic set of C language keywords, more complex tasks often require the use of a subset of features provided by the standard library.

The institute also has a state-of-the-art facilities and equipment, which allows you to get the most out of your training. The institute is located in a convenient location, and it offers a variety of amenities that make it the perfect place to learn and grow.

If you are looking for the best C language training, the best C Programming language Course Institute is the perfect choice for you. With a comprehensive curriculum, experienced faculty, and state-of-the-art facilities, the institute provides everything you need to get the most out of your C language education.

What you learn?

Our C Course will cover topics such as: – Introduction to C Programming Language. – Variables, Arithmetic expressions, Conditional Statements, Mathematical Functions etc. – Input and output using printf() function. – Decision Making using if else else constructs. – While and Do while loops – Array and Pointers.


C programming language is a powerful general-purpose, imperative computer programming language based on the syntax of the C language. Developed by Dennis Ritchie between 1969 and 1973 at Bell Labs, it was created with a focus on portability and efficiency.

The course will start from scratch and build up your skills bit-by-bit, covering all aspects of the language in great detail. You’ll learn about variables and data types and how to work with C programming language course.


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Course Content

Lesson 1. History of 'C'
Lesson 2. A Simple C Program
Lesson 3. Program execution phases
Lesson 4. Backslash character constants
Lesson 5. Character set
Lesson 6. Constants
Lesson 7. Number systems
Lesson 8. Format specifiers
Lesson 9. Identifiers
Lesson 10. Keywords
Lesson 11. Variables
Lesson 12. Data Types
Lesson 13. Declaration of Variable
Lesson 14. Assigning Values to Variables
Lesson 15. Initialization
Lesson 16. Comments
Lesson 17. Const Qualifier
Lesson 18. Basic Structure of a 'C' program
Lesson 19. Programming Examples
Operators and Expressions
Lesson 1. Arithmetic operators
Lesson 2. Increment and decrement operators
Lesson 3. Relational operators
Lesson 4. Logical operators
Lesson 5. The bitwise operators
Lesson 6. The assignment operators
Lesson 7. The conditional operator
Lesson 8. The size of operator
Lesson 9. The comma operator
Lesson 10. Type casting operator
Lesson 11. Other operators
Lesson 12. Precedence and order of evaluation
Lesson 13. Programming Examples
Data types
Lesson 1. Modifiers
Lesson 2. Format specifiers
Lesson 3. Dealing with each data types
Lesson 4. Memory representation of each type
Lesson 5. Programming Examples
Input-Output Library Functions
Lesson 1. Unformatted I-O Functions
Lesson 2. Single Character Input-Output
Lesson 3. String Input-Output
Lesson 4. Formatted I-O Functions
Lesson 5. printf() Width Specifier
Lesson 6. scanf() Width Specifier
Lesson 7. Programming Examples
Control statements
Lesson 1. Conditional Control Statements
Lesson 2. if
Lesson 3. if-else
Lesson 4. nested if-else
Lesson 5. else-if ladder
Lesson 6. Multiple Branching Control Statement
Lesson 7. switch-case
Lesson 8. Loop Control Statements
Lesson 9. while
Lesson 10. do-while
Lesson 11. for
Lesson 12. Nested Loops
Lesson 13. Jump Control statements
Lesson 14. break
Lesson 15. continue
Lesson 16. goto
Lesson 17. exit
Lesson 18. return
Lesson 19. Programming Examples
Lesson 1. What is function?
Lesson 2. Why function?
Lesson 3. Advantages of using functions
Lesson 4. Function Prototype
Lesson 5. Defining a function
Lesson 6. Calling a function
Lesson 7. Return statement
Lesson 8. Types of functions
Lesson 9. Recursion
Lesson 10. Nested functions
Lesson 11. main() function
Lesson 12. Library Function
Lesson 13. Local and global variables
Lesson 14. Programming Examples
Lesson 1. Types of storage class
Lesson 2. Scoping rules
Lesson 3. Dealing with all storage classes
Lesson 4. Programming Examples
Lesson 1. Def of Pointer
Lesson 2. Declaration of Pointer Variables
Lesson 3. Assigning Address to Pointer
Lesson 4. Variables
Lesson 5. De-referencing Pointer Variables
Lesson 6. Pointer to Pointer
Lesson 7. Pointer Arithmetic
Lesson 8. Pointer comparisons
Lesson 9. De-reference and increment pointer
Lesson 10. Programming Examples
Pointer and Function
Lesson 1. Parameter Passing Techniques – call by value, call by address
Lesson 2. Using Pointers as Arguments Function Returning value
Lesson 3. Returning More than one value From A Function
Lesson 4. Functions Returning Address
Lesson 5. Function Returning Pointers
Lesson 6. Dangling pointer
Lesson 7. Pointer to a Function
Lesson 8. Calling A function through function pointer
Lesson 9. passing A function's address as an
Lesson 10. Argument to other function
Lesson 11. Functions with variable number of arguments
Lesson 12. Programming Examples
Lesson 1. One dimensional arrays
Lesson 2. Declaration of 1D arrays
Lesson 3. Initialization of 1D arrays
Lesson 4. Accessing element of 1D arrays
Lesson 5. Reading and displaying elements
Lesson 6. Two dimensional arrays
Lesson 7. Declaration of 2D arrays
Lesson 8. Initialization of 2D arrays
Lesson 9. Accessing element of 2D arrays
Lesson 10. Reading and displaying elements
Lesson 11. Programming Examples
Pointer and Array
Lesson 1. Pointer and one dimensional arrays
Lesson 2. Subscripting pointer variables
Lesson 3. Pointer to an array
Lesson 4. Array of pointers
Lesson 5. Pointers and two dimensional arrays
Lesson 6. Subscripting pointer To an array
Lesson 7. Programming Examples
Array and Function
Lesson 1. 1D array and function
Lesson 2. Passing individual array elements to a function passing individual array elements address to a function
Lesson 3. passing whole 1d array to a function
Lesson 4. 2D array and function
Lesson 5. Passing individual array elements to a function
Lesson 6. Passing individual array elements address to a function
Lesson 7. passing whole 2d array to a function
Lesson 8. using arrays of function pointer
Lesson 9. Programming Examples
Dynamic memory allocation
Lesson 1. malloc()
Lesson 2. calloc()
Lesson 3. realloc()
Lesson 4. free()
Lesson 5. Core dump
Lesson 6. Memory leak
Lesson 7. Dynamic 1D and 2D Arrays
Lesson 8. Programming Examples
Lesson 1. strings versus character arrays
Lesson 2. Initializing strings
Lesson 3. Reading string
Lesson 4. Displaying string
Lesson 5. The %s format specifier
Lesson 6. The gets() and puts() functions
Lesson 7. string handling functions
Lesson 8. string pointers
Lesson 9. Two-dimensional character arrays or array of string
Lesson 10. array of pointers to strings
Lesson 11. Programming Examples
Command line arguments
Lesson 1. what is command prompt?
Lesson 2. why command line?
Lesson 3. What are command line arguments?
Lesson 4. Programs using command line
Lesson 1. What is preprocessing?
Lesson 2. Macro expansions
Lesson 3. File inclusions
Lesson 4. Conditional compilation
Lesson 5. Programming Examples
Lesson 1. Why is structure used?
Lesson 2. What is structure?
Lesson 3. Advantages of structures
Lesson 4. Defining a Structure
Lesson 5. Declaration of Structure Variables
Lesson 6. Initialization of Structure Variables
Lesson 7. Accessing Structure Members
Lesson 8. Storage of Structures in Memory
Lesson 9. Size of Structures
Lesson 10. Reading and Displaying Structure Variables
Lesson 11. Assignment of Structure Variables
Lesson 12. Pointers to structures
Lesson 13. Array of structures
Lesson 14. Arrays within structures
Lesson 15. Nested structures
Lesson 16. Self-referential structures
Lesson 17. Programming Examples
Structure and Function
Lesson 1. Passing structure member to a function
Lesson 2. Passing structure variable to a function
Lesson 3. Passing structure variable address to a function
Lesson 4. Passing array of structure to a function
Lesson 5. Returning a structure variable from function
Lesson 6. Returning a structure variable address from function
Lesson 7. Returning structure variable from a function
Lesson 8. Programming Examples
Union and Enumeration and typedef
Lesson 1. What are unions?
Lesson 2. Structures versus unions
Lesson 3. Working with unions
Lesson 4. Initialising unions
Lesson 5. Advantages of unions
Lesson 6. enum keyword
Lesson 7. typedef keyword
Lesson 8. Programming Examples
File Handling
Lesson 1. Using files in C
Lesson 2. Buffer and streams
Lesson 3. Working with text files and Binary
Lesson 4. Files
Lesson 5. File operations using std. library and system calls
Lesson 6. File management I/O functions
Lesson 7. Random Access Files
Lesson 8. Programming Examples

Why Should You Choose to C programming language?

Job satisfaction
High placement rate
High salaries
Exciting field
Challenging field
Hands-on problem solving
Innovation and creativity
Global opportunities
Great chance for advancement
You can have an impact

Uses of C programming Language Course

  • Operating System
  • Intermediate Language
  • Play Important Role in Development of New Programming Language
  • Embedded Systems
  • Database Systems
  • Compilers and Assemblers
  • Network Drivers.
  • Word Processors
  • 3D Movies

Course Details

Why Choose Us ?

Certified Faculties
Job ready - om institute of education
Job Oriented Training
Certification - Om Institute of education
Placement Assistance

Our Student’s Say About Us

C programming has a very good career like opportunities in different field like robotics, Artificial intelligence, machine learning, etc.

Average salary for a C Developer in India is 4.8 Lakhs per year (₹40.0k per month).